

Cascade/Cascade Slim Firmware V1.5 Update

Cascade / Cascade Slim Firmware V1.5 Update Summary / 

  • Fixed the flashing backlight issue when typing fast

Download Firmware Update File here: AZIO_Cascade_Firmware_win_V1.5

Note / This update will include all the modifications and fixes available up to this point.


Update procedure instructions for PC (Windows OS) /

01 / Download the Firmware update file attached at the bottom of this article. There are a direct executable update file and a compressed file. You might need to download the compressed file if you have an antivirus app installed on your PC/MAC since the executable file might be a virus or file with a threat. 

02 / Unzip the compressed file. Set your keyboard to USB mode and your corresponding operating system.

03 / Remove the keyboard's space bar and locate the 5 holes located to the left of the space bar switch. Using tweezers, touch the two right-most holes, shorting them. Plug the keyboard into your computer. Please make sure you plug in the keyboard while the two holes are being shorted.

04 / Double click on the executable file AZIO_Cascade_Firmware_V1.4.exe

05 / The update file will open and click on the "Start" button.Fig_01.png

06 / The update file shall start the update, and your keyboard light will be off. Please do not disconnect or press any key on the keyboard during the update process. The update process shall take only about 10 seconds.


07 / Once the update is done, the updated app shall display "Update successfully". Close the app by clicking on the right-hand top "X" button.Fig_03.png

08 / Your update is DONE!

09 / If you go to the "Bluetooth & Device" section in your system setting, you shall see "AZIO Cascade V1.5" as the device name under the Input Device section. This is a second way to verify the update is done correctly. You might need to unplug and re-plug the USB cable to refresh the keyboard connection for the computer to restore the device name.

Note: After the change, only the USB device name will be updated to AZIO Cascade V1.5, but the Bluetooth device name will still show Cascade V1.0.  Such representation is correct.  The firmware update had been done through the USB, and we changed the USB device name with the current firmware version number to indicate the firmware status.  The update will optimize the keyboard for both the USB and the Bluetooth modes.


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  • I’ve tried two different computers but every time I press “start update” I get an error saying “return boot mode failed.” Please advise. I’m also not sure where to see the name of my keyboard on the device list on windows, but when I do it on mac it says it’s V1.0.

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  • In VSCode, the F5 key is the shortcut for building, but on macOS, it triggers dictation instead. It's very inconvenient. Please change the dictation shortcut to Fn + F5.

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  • We need some kind of solution for the "Return boot mode failed!" error.

    This keyboard would be perfect if they had just decided to go with VIA firmware. 😰

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